Saturday, May 5, 2007

if only he had a brain...

For those of you who haven't heard, President Bush started a book-a-thon with Karl Rove. And he's winning, 60 books to 50. Many critics are arguing that it can't be possible for him to have completed that many books over Rove. I believe it. Bush is a very good decider of what colors to put in the books.

Alright, time to move away from the political satire. I have come to a realization that shakes my very core as a blog artist. Err- blogist. The realization is a big shot to my large ego. It is, that simply put: No one cares and no one's reading. Although disappointing that my fanbase is a lot smaller than I hoped, it gives me a dream for the future. And now I realize that I can say whatever I want and not have to worry about insulting one of my readers.

One day... one day I'll be an internet sensation... even though the doctor said I'd never blog again!

End of Line.

1 comment:

Nomi Lubin said...

I just read it. And I can tell you that I am deeply insulted by being told I'm not here to be insulted.

I demand an apology.