Saturday, March 24, 2007


How are you gentlemen!!

Good news Wii owners, looks like there will be a Guitar Hero Thwii. But don't worry, it comes with a Guitar controller so you won't be able to throw the Wiimote at the T.V. However, I hear there will be persistent warnings about not smashing your guitar on the ground. Knowing how much Wii users get into the game, I'd add a warning about not biting off the heads of any birds.

Anyways, this post officially starts the "Fad of The Week". And the fad this week is...

All Your Base! AYB may be one of the first video-game sparked fads on the internet. It quickly evolved from an almost unknown mistranslated Genesis game called "Zero Wing" to a song, 10,000,000 videos, valentines cards, and a YouTube maintenance notice. But what makes the video so popular? It is the fact that the evil character is named "Cats" and is already partially destroyed before you ever battle him? Maybe the lack of correct punctuation and past tense ("What you say?", "What happen?")? I believe it's the "Zig". It's very hard to find what sparks an internet phenomenon, but I think Zero Wing had the "Zig".

I set up you the bomb. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time.

End of Line.

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1 comment:

James Robinson said...

How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha ....

PS Slashdot is better than Digg.