Sunday, June 24, 2007

Deathly Harry

I decided I need to post my feelings on the seventh Harry Potter book, and my ideas for what is going to happen. This is just so when I'm right, I have proof. Feel free to comment, but because this book is coming out on MY birthday, I'm pretty much and expert on it.

Possible ending #1-

James Potter is still alive. This is my favorite idea for the ending as it is just crazy enough to happen. It came after watching the second movie. Tom Riddle says "You'll be back with your dear mudblood mother soon" and "I'll kill you, just like I killed your mother!" This is the only time I know of in the entire series that Voldemort even mentions killing his parents. I'm pretty sure its the same in the books. Peter Pettigrew gave me more support for this idea: If he was able to escape death by turning into an animal, then James could have too. There's also nothing really in the books that proves he's dead. Then I was able to come up with one final piece of evidence to back up my theory: The Invisibility Cloak. How did Dumbledore get James's cloak? Besides, it's not like James didn't know Voldemort was coming. He had plenty of time to plan something.

Possible ending #2-

James Potter is Voldemort. This would actually explain a whole lot, most importantly the connection between Voldemort and Harry. This ties right into the theory number one.

Possible ending #3-

This one is really out there: JK Rowling is Hermoine. The entire series is a true story. 

Possible ending #4-

Hermoine dies. I had a dream about it, and it just seems like it's going to happen.

These are the four possibilities my friends and I came up with after a two and a half hour discussion. I really think the first one is going to happen. It's more likely than Dumbledore still being alive.

End of Line.


James Robinson said...

Possible Ending 6:
Samuel L. Jackson (star of Snakes on a Plane) bursts in, says "I am tired of these mother *ing wizards on this mother *ing boarding school", and shoots everyone in the school with awesomeness that can only be achieved by Samuel L Jackson. The government later thanks SLJ because, well, he's SLJ.

I'd say mine is most likely.

teh fascist said...

James, you're hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Voldemort: Harry, I am your father!


Unknown said...

Hah, I love leaving random comments on peoples blogs.